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What is it? Why do I need it? Is my current hosting solution top notch? These are the questions you should be asking yourself!

As a QuickBooks Service provider, we have the unique opportunity to work inside other businesses, figuratively speaking, and even sometimes quite literally too! Which means we see a lot of different integrations, software, and even hosting solutions put to work. Given the shifts in the workplace over the past few months, we are realizing now more than ever, hosting solutions are important and you might need one, or if you have one, let’s make sure they are the best fit for your business. So, without further ado…


What is a Hosting Solution?
A hosting solution provides you the ability to store an application, such as QuickBooks Desktop, on a secured, third-party server, making it available to you remotely.


Why do I Need a Hosting Solution?

  • Security! Your program and information are stored by a group of private dedicated networks, called servers – I could start to rattle off some technical security measures and standards, but just trust me here, it’s VERY secure.
  • The Cloud… which is in actuality those private servers mentioned above. Only, besides securely storing and protecting your information, they also make it accessible to you from virtually any device at any time. If there was ever a time in history that required the ability to remote access your systems, that time is NOW!
  • Collaboration – collaboration no longer happens in the breakroom, collaboration happens online. With your QuickBooks stored on the cloud, your information is now secure, accessible, and available to any team member that has secure access, at any time, updating in real time.
  • Your very own IT Department! With an excellent hosting solutions provider, they do the heavy lifting for you… you can expect them to take the reins on the following:
    • QuickBooks upgrades
    • Daily and redundant backups
    • Security maintenance and fixes


If your QuickBooks is Not Currently Hosted…
Well, why not?! You may have thought you didn’t need a hosting solution before, but with the changes going on in the workplace, hosting not only provides your company with a lot of security, but also enables your team to access your QuickBooks from virtually anywhere, if needed. Set-up is relatively simple, can be handled for you and is reasonably priced.


If your QuickBooks is Currently Hosted…
Ask yourself or your team: How is your current provider working for you? Are you experiencing any down time? How often is your data backed up? Is your QuickBooks software updated? How’s their support? Now may be a good time to reevaluate your hosting provider to make sure they are not only cost effective, but more importantly, are they reliable and secure?

So, whether you’re currently hosted, just learning about hosting, or somewhere in between… we’d love the opportunity to review your information and make a hosting recommendation to get the conversation started. Click HERE to fill out a quick form – we’ll then outreach to you to find out some more details and see where we can lend an insider perspective on what would be the best fit for your company!

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