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Hey Sunshines, Alexis here!  

So, I know you all know me as the quirky tie-dye wearing accountant, but despite my adventurous spirit, earlier this year I found myself struggling with my day-to-day routine, especially when it came to getting my day started. I wasn’t as focused as I wanted to be, I didn’t have the energy to work on my business and let’s not even mention the fact that I had 0 time to devote to learning new skills to support my marketing and IT teams. I also found my personal responsibilities start to slip because by the end of my day or by the time the weekend rolled around; all my brain could commit to was “relaxing.”  

And then one magical day, while scrolling through my Audible account (this habit fell into my “relaxing” category fortunately), I stumbled upon a book that would forever change my morning routine: The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma. Although I was terrified by the title (I typically was getting up around 7:30 am at this point), I was intrigued by the description. It seemed to be selling me the promise of early morning magic, which sounded like just the medicine I needed to get out of my funk. So, I decided to give it a read. 

As I dove in page by page, I was immediately hooked by Sharma's storytelling abilities and the inspiring journey of the characters. So much so, that the very next day after starting this book, I actually set my alarm for 5am! Now, this was a bit aggressive, and I may have gone to battle with the snooze button a few times, but in the end, I did it, I got out of bed just slightly past 5am and decided to embrace the challenge (or gift) of the early morning.  

The first day, I decided to make my morning a little adventure, which helped pave the way for mornings to come. I started off with a work-out dance party in my home gym, grooving to my favorite tunes to get my energy flowing. Next, I spent some time with my dogs in the backyard while the sun rose and read some more of my new favorite book (you guessed it - The 5 AM Club). And then before heading into the office, I sat down with my Remarkable (ß if you know, you know, if you don’t… well, you should) and planned out my day. By the time I was ready to sit at my desk, my soul felt full, my heart felt happy, and I felt a sense of clarity that I hadn’t felt in a long time. My morning had set the tone for a productive day ahead.  

I stuck with my new routine for a few more days and by the end of my week, I noticed a subtle change in my overall mindset and an increase in my day-to-day productivity. The 5 AM Club was right, by starting my day focusing on myself and setting intentions for my day, I found I was approaching my work with renewed passion and creativity. I was implementing new ideas, tackling challenges, and working to inspire my team with an energy I hadn’t felt in a looooong time.  

Thanks to The 5 AM Club, my work began to flourish like never before. I was able to work through that stack of papers that had been piled on my desk for months, strategically create new processes to automate and systematize a few things, and I even carved out time in my schedule to give back and contribute to the success of small business owners in my local community. And best of all, I was having fun. I was infusing creativity and joy into my work and my life.  

So, let’s circle back to the book’s teachings…  

Sharma's engaging and enlightening narrative follows three individuals—a struggling artist, a billionaire, and a charismatic entrepreneur—whose lives intersect in a quest for success under the mentorship of "The Spellbinder", i.e. the teacher of all the productivity secrets. As a business leader, I found myself nodding along as these characters navigate the challenges of time management, mindset shifts, and building productive routines. Through the very relatable trials & triumphs of the characters, Sharma imparts valuable lessons on leadership, resilience, and the pursuit of excellence. As a business leader, you'll find yourself drawn into their stories, seeing reflections of your own journey, and finding inspiration to push forward. 

Another thing that hooked me was the book’s actionable advice. Sharma doesn't just preach the benefits of waking up at 5 AM; he provides a roadmap for integrating this habit into your life. As a business leader, you'll appreciate the practical strategies for maximizing your morning hours and setting the tone for a day packed with achievement and growth. 

In the end, this story is just a testament to the power of embracing new experiences and finding joy in the journey. It helped me transform my mornings into a productive and joyous event, adding fulfillment to my personal journey while also hugely benefiting my business by making me a more focused and productive leader.  

So… do you resonate with any of this? Do you feel like you're constantly playing catch-up in your business? Or feel like your personal responsibilities are falling by the wayside simply because you have no time left in your day? Well, my friends, if any of this rings true, I challenge you to shift your morning routine and try starting your day with purpose and productivity. You'll find yourself reevaluating your habits and embracing new approaches to personal and professional development. The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma is a book that's not just a game-changer for your life but can change your business too. 

And if you’re sitting there thinking there’s NO WAY I’m getting up at 5am… trust me, The 5 AM Club isn’t just about getting up at the crack of dawn; it’s also about cultivating a winning mindset. I know, I know, it sounds totally hokey, but just trust me, this book has changed everything for me… so much so, I’m sitting here writing a blog about it! I truly believe that Sharma’s insights on the power of routines and the importance of self-care can change everything for you, too!  

So, to wrap this up…. The 5 AM Club is a must-read for anyone out there looking to level up their game. It turned this non-morning person (me! 🙋‍♀️) into a The 5 AM Club member for life (and unpaid promoter).  I challenge you to join me in this 5am Club journey: waking up at 5 AM each day, ready to conquer the world with a smile on your face😁 

1 Response



September 04, 2024

I keep hearing about this but I’m a night owl, 1am to 10am was always my natural sleep pattern until I started adulting, so now it’s midnight to 7am. I am terrified by the idea of waking up at 5am.

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