These are not just phrases that live in a handbook or rarely visited webpage. These are really WHO we are as a company. We expect our team to embody these values while working with each other and with our clients. Further, we expect our clients to try to embody them while working with us, too!
- Treat everyone like your favorite aunt. Act with kindness and respect, no matter what.
- Don’t find faults, find remedies. Identify, resolve, and move on from the challenge.
- Work smarter through automation. Think outside the box and look to tech to improve processes.
- Honesty and transparency makes you valuable. Honesty + transparency = a foundation of trust.
- Be a boomerang. Everything you throw into the world comes back to you, give it your best shot.
- Run your day. Take charge of your time by staying focused, managing any interferences, respecting the schedule, and prioritizing tasks for optimal productivity.
- We all have lives. Be flexible with yourself and others, life happens.