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How your books move from QuickBooks Online to QuickBooks Desktop

List - Moves to Quickbooks Desktop

Chart of accounts

Class list

  • Deleted classes move as inactive classes.


  • Full name and Company name are both limited to 41 characters.
  • Billing Address and Shipping Address are both limited to three lines of 41 characters each.
  • E-mail addresses are limited to 81 characters.
  • Deleted customers move as inactive customers.


If you have 1099 vendors, you need to edit and remove the 1099 status before you move your books.

  • Full name and Company name are both limited to 41 characters.
  • Print on Check As is limited to 41 characters.
  • Addresses are limited to three lines with 41 characters each.
  • E-mail addresses are limited to 81 characters.
  • Deleted vendors will export as inactive vendors.


  • Full name is limited to 39 characters.
  • Deleted employees are moved as inactive employees.

Payment method list

Lists - Doesn't Move to QuickBooks Desktop

Chart of accounts

  • Inventory Shrinkage account doesn't move


  • Customer credit card information doesn't move due to PCI compliance.
  • Customer notes
  • Preferred delivery method
  • Mobile number
  • Pager number
  • Is Taxable


  • Vendor Notes
  • Mobile number
  • Pager number


  • Employee notes

Other lists

The following lists don't exist in QuickBooks Online. You'll see general items on them in QuickBooks Desktop.

  • Customer type
  • Job type
  • Memorized reports
  • Other names
  • Payroll item
  • Price level
  • Sales rep
  • Ship via
  • Templates
  • To do
  • Vendor types


Preferences - Moves to QuickBooks Online

Closing Date Password

Layout Customization

  • Your logos will move

Payment roles and permissions

  • Saved credit card info doesn't move over.

Favorites menu

  • Items you've added to the Favorites menu will move to QuickBooks Online and can be found under Bookmarks.

Preferences - Doesn't Move to QuickBooks Online

Layout Customization

  • Custom templates won't

Shortcut List

  • Your shortcut list and icon bar settings from QuickBooks Desktop won't move to QuickBooks Online.
  • QuickBooks Online has its own keystroke shortcuts. In any window, press Ctrl+Alt+? (or Ctrl+Option+? on Mac) to see the shortcut menu.

Users and Permissions

  • Existing users don't automatically have access to QuickBooks Online. They need to be invited from QuickBooks Online to gain access.

Reports - Moves to Quickbooks Online

Memorized Reports


  • All reconciled transactions in the register will have an R in the cleared column in QuickBooks Online.
  • Cleared transactions will have a C in the cleared column in QuickBooks Online.

Favorite Reports

Reports - Doesn't Move to Quickbooks Online

Audit Trail


  • QuickBooks Online doesn't have the same reports as QuickBooks Desktop.
  • Accrual basis reports in QuickBooks Online will match your reports in QuickBooks Desktop. Cash basis reports may not match.

Transactions - Moves to QuickBooks Online

  • Bills, Bill Payments, and Bill Credits
  • The Bill Received preference doesn't move to QuickBooks Online.
  • A bill discount in QuickBooks Desktop moves to a Vendor credit in QuickBooks Online.
  • The address on bill payment checks is replaced by the Vendor address on your Vendor list.
  • Bill payments made by credit card move to bill payments in QuickBooks Online.

Credit Card Charges

  • Credit card charges in QuickBooks Desktop convert to Expenses in QuickBooks Online.


  • Your estimates in QuickBooks Desktop will move to QuickBooks Online.
  • Active estimates are marked as Closed.
  • Inactive estimates are marked as Rejected.
  • Estimates used for progress invoicing won't link to the invoices you created in Desktop.

Finance Charges

  • Your finance charge invoices move to invoices in QuickBooks Online.
  • You can run an open invoice report to see which customers are overdue. Manually add finance charges to appear on the customer's next invoice.


  • Logos will move.
  • The PO No field will move to Custom Field 1.
  • Sales Rep will move to a Custom Field.
  • Credit card info saved on an invoice in QuickBooks Desktop.

Item Receipts

  • Item receipts convert to Bills.

Journal Entries

  • You may see some transactions like checks and invoices move as journal entries. This only happens if:

    - Tax rates were entered as flat rates (0.00) instead of percentages.
    - The original transaction can't be created again.

Purchase Orders

  • The switch removes the link between bills and Purchase Orders.
  • Open POs won't reflect items received.
  • The PO will need to be linked to the Bill to reflect items received.

Reimbursable Expenses

  • Reimbursable expenses and unbilled time will move as billable expenses in QuickBooks Online.
  • QuickBooks Online has billable expenses which are similar to reimbursable expenses in QuickBooks Desktop.
  • In QuickBooks Online, you specify the markup percentage when you create the purchase instead of the invoice.

Transactions - Doesn't Move to QuickBooks Online


  • Subtotals don't move but are included in the Description field.
  • Progress Invoices (invoices based on estimates) and their extra fields don't move.
  • Other and Other Customer custom fields don't move.
  • Recurring payment transactions.

Item Receipts

  • The switch removes the link between bills and Purchase Orders.
  • Open POs won't reflect items received.
  • The PO will need to be linked to the Bill to reflect items received.

Journal Entries

  • Billable statuses don't move. You can't make a journal entry billable in QuickBooks Online.

Pending Sales

  • Reconcile
  • Your past reconciliation reports don't move to QuickBooks Online.

QuickBooks Desktop uses different terms than QuickBooks Online for menu options, features, lists, items, transaction types, reports, and other labels. Here's a list of the terminology differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online.

Quickbooks Desktop Terms

  1. Bank Feeds
  2. Documents / Doc Center
  3. Scheduled Payroll
  4. Unscheduled Payroll
  5. Payment Reminders
  6. Income Tracker
  7. Bill Tracker
  8. Upload & Review Bills
  9. Schedule Online Payment
  10. Forecast
  11. Budgets
  12. Reconcile
  13. Inventory Parts
  14. Non-inventory Parts
  15. Assemblies
  16. Groups
  17. Other Charges
  18. Subtotals
  19. Discounts
  20. Payments
  21. Services
  22. Jobs
  23. Items
  24. Memorized transactions
  25. Leads
  26. Price Levels
  27. Billing Rate Levels
  28. Other Names
  29. Vendors
  30. Fixed Asset Items
  31. Sales Reps (Customer & Vendor Profile Lists)
  32. Vendor Types (Customer & Vendor Profile Lists)
  33. Job Types (Customer & Vendor Profile Lists)
  34. Customer Messages (Customer & Vendor Profile Lists)
  35. Ship Via (Customer & Vendor Profile Lists)
  36. Vehicles (Customer & Vendor Profile Lists)
  37. Templates
  38. Add/Edit Multiple List Entries
  39. Customers
  40. Employees
  41. Classes
  42. Chart of Accounts
  43. Customer Types (Customer & Vendor Profile Lists)
  44. Terms (Customer & Vendor Profile Lists)
  45. Payment Methods (Customer & Vendor Profile Lists)
  46. Memorized reports
  47. Scheduled reports
  48. Commented reports
  49. Custom reports
  50. Company Snapshot
  51. Job & Item Estimates vs Actuals
  52. Bills
  53. Credit Card Charges
  54. Item Receipts
  55. Sales Orders
  56. Credit Memos
  57. Batch Invoices
  58. Receipt Management
  59. Adjust Quantity/Value on Hand
  60. Make General Journal Entries
  61. Make Deposits
  62. Transfer Funds
  63. Enter Statement Charges
  64. Statements
  65. Estimates
  66. Invoices
  67. Receive Payments
  68. Sales Receipts
  69. Checks
  70. Purchase Orders
  71. Pay Bills
  72. Undeposited Funds
  73. Use Register (For Banks/Accounts)
  74. Edit > Preferences
  75. My Company
  76. Weekly Timesheet
  77. Time / Enter Single Activity
  78. Calendar
  79. Set Up Users
  80. To Do List
  81. Reminders
  82. Letters
  83. Customer Groups

Quickbooks Online Terms

  1. Online Banking / Bank Transactions
  2. Attachments
  3. Run Payroll
  4. Run Payroll, Bonus Only
  5. Reminders / Automatic invoice reminders
  6. All Sales
  7. Vendors window
  8. Receipts
  9. Online Bill Pay
  10. Budgets
  11. Budgets
  12. Reconcile
  13. Inventory
  14. Non-inventory
  15. Bundles (Products & services)
  16. Bundles (Products & services)
  17. Not available in QuickBooks Online
  18. Subtotal
  19. Not available in QuickBooks Online
  20. Payments
  21. Services
  22. Sub-customers, Projects
  23. Products and services
  24. Recurring transactions
  25. Not available in QuickBooks Online
  26. Not available in QuickBooks Online
  27. Not available in QuickBooks Online
  28. Not available in QuickBooks Online
  29. Vendors (for all Vendors), Contractors (for Vendors tracked for 1099)
  30. Not available in QuickBooks Online
  31. Not available in QuickBooks Online
  32. Not available in QuickBooks Online
  33. Not available in QuickBooks Online
  34. Not available in QuickBooks Online
  35. Not available in QuickBooks Online
  36. Manage vehicles
  37. Custom Form Styles
  38. Not available in QuickBooks Online
  39. Customers
  40. Employees
  41. Classes (and Locations)
  42. Chart of Accounts
  43. Customer Types
  44. Terms
  45. Payment Methods
  46. Custom reports
  47. Custom reports
  48. Not available in QuickBooks Online
  49. Custom reports (QuickBooks Online Advanced)
  50. Business Snapshot
  51. Not available in QuickBooks Online
  52. Expenses, Bills, Vendor Credits
  53. Expenses, Credit Card Credits
  54. Expenses, Bills
  55. Not available in QuickBooks Online
  56. Credit Memos, Refund Receipts, Delayed Credits
  57. Batch transactions (QuickBooks Online Advanced)
  58. Receipts
  59. Inventory Quantity Adjustment
  60. Journal Entries
  61. Bank Deposits
  62. Transfer
  63. Not available in QuickBooks Online
  64. Statements
  65. Estimates
  66. Invoices
  67. Receive Payments
  68. Sales Receipts
  69. Checks
  70. Purchase Orders
  71. Pay Bills
  72. Undeposited Funds, Payments to deposit
  73. View Register
  74. Settings (gear) > Account and settings, Settings (gear) > Payroll settings
  75. Settings (gear) > Account and settings
  76. Time Entries (If you have the Time tab), Weekly Timesheet (if you don't have the Time tab)
  77. Time Entries (If you have the Time tab), Single Time Activity (if you don't have the Time tab)
  78. Not available in QuickBooks Online
  79. Manage Users
  80. Tasks (QuickBooks Online Advanced)
  81. Not available in QuickBooks Online
  82. Not available in QuickBooks Online
  83. Not available in QuickBooks Online

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