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Let’s talk everyone’s favorite topic: hiring! It’s up there with taxes, payroll, and 1099’s, right? I thought so. Lucky you, we’re packing all the super fun topics into Quarter One!
But don’t fret dear reader, this is actually a topic we feel we’ve got a pretty good grasp on… at least from a process perspective. So, where do you start? Well, when hiring for a remote company, your candidate “pool” is definitely of the infinity variety.🏊If you’re an in-person business or only hire in specific areas, you can 100% still apply these principles to ease the burden of the task, but it goes without saying that your infinity pool has been downsized to a hot tub.
Ready or not… here it comes! Tax deadline season is more than officially upon us. If you’re a multi-member LLC, partnership, or S-corp, your deadline is next week!!! AKA March 15th! If you’re a C-Corp or a self-employed sole proprietor, or just a regular human filing personal taxes, your deadline is April 15th! And while we don’t ever advocate procrastinating, an extension is always an option. Extensions will buy you time till September 15th or October 15th, respectively.
Hey, hey, hey! Okay, so it’s January 17th, but it feels more like January 74th with all the 1099 prep we’re currently doing (Need help on that?Check outour blog from December!) And now it’s time to talk about another thrilling subject: closing your 2023 books. Okay, so maybe it’s not as exciting as that upcoming ski trip you have planned, but it is a necessary topic none the less. Closing your books, the right way, can mean the difference between a smooth tax season and a frantic scramble on the eve of March 15th… or September 15th… if you are the procrastinating type. So, let’s dig into why it’s crucial and how doing it right can save you more than just a huge migraine! Bonus, read all the way to the end for a special giveaway!